#3 The wholes we have in mind re Creation + Soul and Above
On Beyond Waldorf,
Team Human K-12 Education;
Goethean Psychology Applied to Child Development and K-12 Schooling;
Some Assembly Required
believe any and every Progressive and/or Cultural Creative org, group
or association benefits by having at the start an explicit ecumenical
"plank." Why? It bespeaks "tolerance,"
"inclusion" and "lack of judgement" better than
any other platform plank I know of.
your conception of Creation and Soul and Above? Later I'll share
Why does K-12 ed need to acknowledge anything spiritual? Can't we
remain atheistic-agnostic as we have been since corporations took
over all the commons?
No. The atheistic-agnostic trends in post-2012 world culture
primarily track back to
corporate-consumer-paternalistic-capitalism-oligarchy. Briefly:
atheism and agnosticism are perceived as safer and more conducive for
commerce, buying and selling.
ideal parent for and ideal teacher in Team Human K-12 schools has:
Stopped listening-responding to denials and dismissals of every
immortal-eternal aspect of human beings--however locally defined; and
Stopped listening-responding to "Religiosity" and
"churchianity" separated, segregated and dissociated from
Emotional Intelligence, interpersonal competency and building local
describes a big aspect of your ideal customer for Team Human K-12 ed.
What evidence do you have?
There is not much evidence yet as in 2018 Team Human K-12 ed is
throwing forward to a future time and a future goal.
evidence is the success and profitability, since 1983, of the
University of Santa Monica's two-year Spiritual Psychology program,
Awakening the Inner Counselor. USM has inspired many similar Masters
programs, but none have been as successful or as profitable; in part
because, USM draws in part from an already-existing Cultural Creative
tribe-community who buys personal growth classes with a heartfelt
look and feel.
believe the time is coming soon when a bigger push for healthy
integration of psychology-spirituality will come from women with
voices, worldwide. My perception is since 1985 women generally
intuit a wholeness corporate male types wish not to see.
The male paradigm is competition. The female model is connection,
cooperation, collaboration.
way men have organized things since the 1830s or maybe 1750, is
exhausted, well into the cannibal phase.
sense is women generally and internationally realize--however
You can't heal the culture, or start new Tribes, based on the male
competition model,
To better and expand Emotional Intelligence and interpersonal
competency, discussing truly human values is essential,
Discussing truly human values, sooner or later, inevitably overlaps
with each person's view of how they connect with their own Divinity.
the men don't like it because it moves cultural and economic power
away from the male paradigm--sorry.
ground the above more, between 1986-2001 I had the pleasure and honor
of visiting about 25 Waldorf schools, independent and charter. I
never got a job out of this; still, I saw a lot. Among many wonders,
I saw many aspects of what healthy future female-led culture looks
and feels like. Occasionally men were leaders at these school
book is not about my tour of Waldorf communities. This text does
pertain to one of the consistent deficits I saw, a lack of evolving
rhetoric appealing and engaging to parents and to the school's ideal
prospective parents. Too much of the rhetoric within schools and
shared at parent meetings and in parent education was recycled
endlessly, bottled, stale Waldorf rhetoric, much of it from Europe,
not even honoring of the best of the American spirit.
is why Eugene Schwartz and a very few others, have been in high
demand to speak at schools and to parents. Eugene has stepped away
from the bottled Waldorf rhetoric and been able to expand his own
thinking and feeling both above, below and beyond where many Waldorf
establishment thinkers left off evolving, about 1980.
this text is nothing else, it is a treasure trove of topics worth
surveying for what might interest ideal prospective parent candidates
in your school community.
and Above
Every Educational theory has behind it a certain image of the human
being, even if the image is not explicitly stated ~ Astrid
Schmidt-Stegmann in Child Development and Curriculum in Waldorf
Education [PDF online]
paraphrase: NO education system can be defined, apart from or
outside of, a vision of the whole human being.
you do--if you try--to define K-12 ed outside of and apart from your
vision of truly human values and the whole human being--you will
inevitably, unconsciously, replicate and re-create your unconscious
habits-beliefs about social-class differences.
The above is related to an NLP insight: perception is projection.
You can't perceive without also projecting from your unconscious.
Each person's immortal-eternal soul aspect is of very similar
vibrational frequency, to truly human values, however uniquely
defined by you. This is not an accident.
suggests for anyone wishing to define Team Human K-12, or any kind
kind of K-12 ed, it helps if the speaker first sketches their vision
of the whole person, if new to this audience.
guess this applies equally to me, so hee goes.
worked at this; I can do it now in 50 words:
The whole person I have in mind consists of is a waking adult who
consists of:
a physical body,
an imaginal body,
an emotional body,
a mental body,
a mythological body, and
a capacity for free choice--not free will--from Soul and Above.
ecumenical approach to spirit works best
of the "bodies" above has multiple meanings. Every
psychology, every religion, every spiritual path has its own terms
for these aspects of the waking human experience.
is why since about 1985 an ecumenical approach works best.
you look up "ecumenical," you learn it originally pointed
to a "Christian thing," efforts to find common ground
across multiple sects.
has since evolved to point to common ground for any faith-path.
"Ecumenical" seems more elegant than "non-denominational"
which I hear as a synonym in 2018. In the negative, "ecumenical"
means avoiding and/or not over-reacting to words and ideas which
might trigger myself or my discussion partner.
also connotes "hearing the explanations sounding together,"
an idea we later explore at length as relates to children and
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